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A mix of pix ‘n guff ‘n stuff I’ve thrown together in Photoshop and put up in various plots and spots by way of procrastination over the last year or so. It’s just a way of archiving it and getting it in one place. Some of it’s time specific, and so become historic. Some is made up of observations and perspectives that haven’t changed and probably won’t change much, – sadly, and some of it is just stupidity with an edge. I’ll keep uploading images into Pix A B C and onward >>> Z if I don’t get bored. I may write something in Guff, and I’m putting some tried, trusted, favourite music in Jukebox. There’s also a small Library. It’s all a bit of a cupboard,  an attic,  a junk room. In fact it’s a digital shed and a work in progress.